Automatica - Moebius & Plank
This track is called - Automatica by Dieter Moebius and Conny Plank. The Album is entitled: En Route.
The film is a hybrid of like-related scenarios comprising the movies of They (1974), The California Tour (2003) and Los Limpias (1987)
This was made purely on a whim. Krautrock was a little known genra alongside space rock and psychedelica in the late 1960's & 70's. It was thought by some to have died out at about 1982. This album came out in 1990-95(?)
Dieter Moebius & Conny Plank - All Repro
Moebius & Plank "News"
Cluster - Caramel - Zuckerzeit - Dieter Moebius
Moebius / Plank / Mayo Thompson - Ludwig's Law (1983)
La dusseldorf, La Dusseldorf 1976