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Pakistani man Mohammad Arif ‘ate baby stolen from grave’ after earlier jail time for cannibalism

A PAKISTANI man was arrested on suspicion of cannibalism when the head of a newborn baby was found at his home -- three years after he was jailed for the same offence.

Police raided the house in a remote village in Punjab province after neighbours complained of a foul smell and found the head of the two-day-old baby inside.

Householder Mohammad Arif admitted eating the child after his brother stole the body from a graveyard in Darya Khan village, around 300 kilometres south of Islamabad, officers said.


Arif and his brother Farman Ali were arrested for eating human corpses in the same village in April 2011 and served two years in prison, in a case that shocked Pakistan.

“Arif has been arrested and he has confessed that his brother brought the dead body of the newborn from the nearby graveyard,” said Ameer Abdullah, police chief of Bhakkar district where the village is located.

“Arif told police that both of them later cooked the dead body and ate it.”

There is no specific law against cannibalism in Pakistan’s penal code, so as in the 2011 case Arif has been charged with desecrating a dead body and public order offences.

In the earlier case police found the body of a 24-year-old woman who had recently died of cancer at the men’s house -- minus a leg, which they had eaten.

A hunt is under way to find Ali, Abdullah said, while Arif will undergo psychiatric tests.

Zafar Iqbal, a police official in Darya Khan police station, where Arif is being held, said that the men’s wives and family members had left them some years ago and both were living in the house in isolation.

“The neighbours complained to police of a foul stench and police raided the house immediately. We arrested him after discovering a head of a baby. Arif has admitted his crime,” Mr Iqbal said

Boy's HEAD found in home of Pakistani cannibals who had dug up more than 100 corpses from the local graveyard and eaten them

Three-year-old boy's head found in home of convicted cannibals in Pakistan
Discovery made after residents complained of 'stench' at the house
One brother arrested while the other is being hunted by police
Men previously jailed for digging up and eating 100 corpses at burial site

A convicted cannibal has been rearrested in Pakistan after a young boy's head was discovered in his home.

The gruesome discovery of a three-year-old's head was made in the house of Mohammad Arif, 35, and his brother Mohammad Farman, 30.

The pair, from the small town of Darya Khan in the country's interior, had previously served two years in jail for cannibalism and were only released last year.

At the time, local police said the two men had dug up more than 100 corpses from the local graveyard and eaten them.

Mohammad Arif has now been rearrested as an investigation gets underway in to the grim discovery at his house.

His brother Mohammad Farman is still being hunted by police.

District police chief, Ameer Abdullah, said officers swooped after residents complained of a bad smell coming from the brothers' home.

'Residents informed police after a stench emanated from the house of the two brothers,' he said.

'We raided the house on Monday morning and found the head of a young boy,' a district police chief, Ameer Abdullah, told Reuters.

'We have arrested one of the brothers, Mohammad Arif, and are conducting raids for the arrest of the other brother.'
Police were searching nearby graveyards to see if they had been disturbed, he said.

The pair were initially jailed after police found that the corpse of a 24-year-old woman had disappeared from its grave in 2011.

Further investigations led officers to the brothers' house where they found a cooking pot containing meat curry.

The brothers were later arrested by police and jailed for two years.

They had once both been married with children, but their wives are said to have left them ahead of being detained by police three years ago.

(2014.4.15. Daily Mail)

Man arrested for CANNIBALISM after head of three-year-old boy is found in his home

Police have arrested a known cannibal after the head of a three-year-old boy was found in his house.

The shocking discovery was made after neighbours complained about the stink of rotting flesh.

Mohammad Arif Ali has allegedly admitted to the crime just a year after being freed from prison for an earlier act of cannibalism.

He and his brother Farman were jailed for two years in Pakistan for stealing the body of a dead woman from her grave in 2011.

They admitted chopping off her lower limbs and making them into meat curry at their home in Darya Khan.

They were sentenced under the law of desecration of the grave because Pakistan had no law relating to cannibalism.

Police are now trying to find Farman to question him about the latest find.

District police chief Ameer Abdullah said:"Residents informed police after a stench emanated from the house of the two brothers."

A year ago another police official, Fakhar Bhatti, told the BBC of his horror at discovering the corpse of the woman in the home that led to their first conviction.

He told of a trail of ants leading to under the bed where her body - minus the lower limbs - was discovered.

He added: "In the middle of the room, I saw a cooking pot which was half full of meat curry. Nearby was a wooden board, a butcher's axe and a large kitchen knife. Bits of fat clung to the board and the blade of the axe.

"It still gives me the creeps; they had chopped off one of her legs below the knee, and the other near the shin.

"The rest of the body was intact. The curry was made from those parts."

カニバリズム(英: cannibalism)
食人、食人俗、人肉嗜食、アントロポファジー(英: anthropophagy)

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